Wednesday 15 October 2014

In a US slaughterhouse a secret video was made by workers (not animal activists) and given to the Washington Post. The tape revealed conscious animals going down the processing line, and an incident where an electric prod was jammed into a steer’s mouth. According to the Post..”More than 20 signed affidavits alleging that the violations shown on the tape were commonplace and that supervisors are aware of them”. In one affidavit, a worker explained,..”I’ve seen thousands and thousands of cows go through the slaughter process alive…The cows can get seven minutes down the line and still be alive. I’ve been in the the side puller where they are still alive. All the hide is stripped out down the neck there.” And when workers who complain are listened to at all, they get fired. Another worker said..”I’ve never seen a (USDA) vet near the knocking pen. Nobody wants to come back there. See, I’m an ex-Marine. The blood and guts don’t bother me, it’s the inhumane treatment. There’s just so much of it.”,%20They%20Die%20Piece%20by%20Piece%20(2001).pdf


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